Only Love Is Real

Sunday, March 22, 2009

To believe or not to believe ?

This is a big question for me.

My understanding is that what can be experienced can only bring the true knowledge.

I feel that I am on a spiritual path which can take me to broader understanding of the Nature and all the things comprising Nature. This will also lead me to the better understanding of humanity and also to self realization of a new God which may be different from external beliefs which I inherited from my religion and society.

Now I have limited time and efforts for meditation, I have limited time and efforts for contemplation, I have limited time and efforts for even the collation of the seemingly right information. I have accrued lot of information by reading books, but I have experienced very little. I have not experienced enough to say anything with certainty. When I try to be sure, I feel that i am applying lot of belief and very little experience of my own.

Now if I stop believing, I will not believe in spirituality, as I have never experienced spirit with my five senses. Also I do not have any other sensory capabilities other than normal five senses.
I will not believe in any God or Nature because, I have not experienced a consistent functioning of God.

If I do not believe, then I am nowhere. I am just a blank page with few lines scribbled on it. My experiences of the physical world does not let me relate with anything metaphysical. Some people say that one must learn from the experience of others. Then what about the self experience? I can learn anything and everything from others, so many knowledgeable people have existed in the world; they have told so many things, but they also talked of realizing by self experience.

I do not have the energy or inclination to become a Buddha. Then do I need to be contended with my half book knowledge, one quarter belief and one quarter experience?

I really do not know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be Devoted.
Be Selfless.


Destiny is a combination of the choices we make and the forces we cannot comprehend.

March 30, 2009 at 8:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hola Anurag,
the previous comment says so much.

Benevolence, what does that mean? To me, giveaway.

Giveaway beliefs not rooted in personal experience, where it will not hurt someone. Giveaway in ways you can. A giveaway makes someone else's day lighter, hence your world.

Destiny for men is something I am still learning of.
Seems to mean different things to men than to women. My S.O.("significant other":) has his hobbies( mostly constructing things of metal and substances), and craves freedom to hang with other "bro's"( brothers). His men friends are one kind of soulmate, a need I do not fill.

Often we as humans seem to be held in place by cultural expectations, responsibilities, sometimes it seems as if we cannot step away.

When you are a parent especially, family needs so much, job needs so much.

I like the idea of "mini-breaks": you step out of routine in small ways, to experience new things.
Maybe as you are going to work, you vary something of the travel. Have lunch in a different spot, with a small variation of the view.

As a Westerner, I know very little of India, but am impressed with how I see people work together, how there is acceptance of the existance of the Miraculous. Americans are having to learn by the direct experience process. Other than the Native Americans, we are relatively young country, compared to India.

Sometimes even small variations in "routine" can produce huge results.

Thanks for your thoughts, for your contributions to our shared world journey , wishing you and family all the best, ta ta, Jas-bird

April 14, 2009 at 10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be Compassionate.
Be Understanding.


True giving expects nothing in return and alters everything as a result.

May 7, 2009 at 9:00 PM  
Blogger suryagni said...

very intelligent post, but i think certain thoughts should be kept out of mind when we have really limited time.

sages in ancient time who devoted their entire life just for these searches could not gather enough knowledge, so how can a family man like you can? :)

this is why i have chosen devotion, thats better for me, no answers..simple love. :)

June 21, 2009 at 9:04 AM  
Blogger goinghome said...

This happens when you read too many books and try to go by another's experience!
You are unique, you are, so your path is also going to be unique to you.
In the material field, one can learn from another's mistakes or courage.
On the spiritual path, your own applied knowledge collected out of your own experiences, becomes your own wisdom.
Great post!

January 20, 2010 at 11:13 AM  
Anonymous norea said...

Dear Anurag,
My experience is that when you let go of all that you believe, God will reveal itself to you in the way that is most natural to you. YOU are part of all that is. YOU know. You can recognize your self when you look in the mirror , right? Look in the mirror of Love and you will recognize God in all its wonderful disguises.
Love to YOU, norea

July 26, 2010 at 2:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Anurag,
Just stumbled upon this post on your blog- not so sure if you will still read the comments here but I have had same questions. I came to an understanding that everything else is a mean to that goal. When you say you do not have enough time or inclination to practice- you have to realize that even after years of practice and reading knowledge, sometimes realization doesn't happen. In the long run it will happen to each and every individual. To long for it is great but all the practices and situations of life are there to intensify that longing so much that you only want that and nothing else...there is nothing else that is to be resolved, worked out, enjoyed, loved or rejected...when such intensity of that one desire comes and when all other identities drop including the attachments- in such a is like a leaf dropping from the doesn't have to take million years either- deep within we all know this and this only starts with an intention, backed by a decision or a conscious choice, then it is grace and time but thats why most of us are not there because we are not yet done with the world- and that is okay. Just stay where you are with your questions. Be there one hundred percent.

February 10, 2012 at 9:28 AM  
Blogger OnlyLoveIsReal said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

February 13, 2012 at 6:24 AM  
Blogger OnlyLoveIsReal said...

Thank you everyone for posting.

Garrima, I will need some time to relate again to this post, and then I will write back to you.

My spirituality is down at the moment :), too much into worldly pursuits.

February 13, 2012 at 6:37 AM  

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